Imaging for Every Need
2 FOVs
Single-Tooth Implant Planning
Full-Arch Implant Planning
Implant Placement with GBR
Airway Analysis
Oral Health Examination
Maxillary Sinus Diagnosis
15 * 9cm
Single-Tooth Implant Planning
Endo Treatment
Third Molar Extraction
5 * 5cm
Premium Image Quality
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100 μM
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75 μM
75 μM Voxel Size Captures Smaller Details
The endodontic imaging mode with a voxel size of 75 micrometers is particularly tailored for displaying fine details, enhancing the precision of diagnosis for doctors.
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Patient Motion Correction Algorithm
The new motion artifact reconstruction algorithm can be flexibly applied before and after exposure to restore high-definition images by canceling the effects of patient movement, eliminating the need for retakes.
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Metal Artifact Reduction Algorithm
Removes shadows and streaks caused by metal restorations and root fillings by applying the  algorithm before or after imaging.
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Popular Brand
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Dynamic Noise Suppression
Reduces noise in images while preserving important details.
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Multi-Layered Panorama
The panoramic algorithm enables a multi-layer display of anatomical structures. Reconstructing the clearest parts of images from seven different layers ultimately produces the clearest panoramic image, significantly enhancing the accuracy of panoramic diagnosis.
Ultra-Low X-Ray Dose And High Image Quality
The low-dose algorithm reduces the shooting dose by 44.4%, minimizing radiation exposure to patients, safeguarding their physical health, and enhancing image clarity, especially in imaging low-density tissues.
Low Dose Image
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Low Dose Image
Low Dose Image with Algorithm
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Low Dose Image with Algorithm
Low Dose Image
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Low Dose Image
Low Dose Image with Algorithm
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Low Dose Image with Algorithm
Your Powerful Ai Assistant
One-Stop Implant Solution
Enhanced implant surgery safety and efficiency facilitate doctor-patient communication
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Simulated Tooth Extraction
Automatically Mark Inferior Alveolar Nerve
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Bone Density Measurement
Alveolar Bone Distance Measurement
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Implant Simulation
Implant Center
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Peri-implant Bone Density Measurement
Crown Simulation
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Simulated Tooth Extraction
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Automatically Mark Inferior Alveolar Nerve
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Bone Density Measurement
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Alveolar Bone Distance Measurement
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Implant Simulation
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Implant Center
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Peri-implant Bone Density Measurement
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Crown Simulation
Unlock Accurate & Efficient Diagnosis
Show Individual Teeth
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Show Individual Teeth
With the assistance of AI, teeth can be separated from the alveolar bone and displayed individually, allowing a clear view of the internal root canals and the surface condition of the teeth, significantly improving the efficiency of endo treatment inspections.
Automatic Segmentations
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Automatic Segmentations
AI can automatically segment and identify teeth, the inferior alveolar nerve, and the mandibular bone. This makes 3D image viewing more effortless and faster while providing excellent case visualization for patient education.
3D Pano
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3D Pano
AI automatically reconstructs a panoramic image from a CBCT scan, enabling doctors to quickly preview and diagnose. Unlike 2D panoramic images, it allows 3D detailed inspection of any area, ensuring precise diagnosis while enhancing efficiency.
TMJ Diagnosis
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TMJ Diagnosis
AI automatically identifies and displays TMJ images, making diagnosis much easier.
Airway Analysis
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Airway Analysis
It can measure the airway volume of any segment and the cross-sectional area of the narrowest position, facilitating the auxiliary diagnosis of snoring or OSAS patients.
CT Image Comparison
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CT Image Comparison
The intuitive comparison and assessment of subtle changes in tissue structure between two sets of images serve as the foundation for subsequent treatment planning and evaluation.
The cloud-based functions allow cloud image review, storage, and one-click link sharing, which significantly improves data security and reduces costs. Doctors can view images anytime, anywhere while effortlessly collaborating with colleagues on challenging cases.
Easier Operation, Better Patient Care
2D and 3D Imaging With One Sensor
There is no need to change sensors when switching between CBCT and Panoramic Imaging, bringing an easier workflow to doctors.
2D and 3D Imaging With One Sensor
Standing and Wheelchair Positioning
The open structure of the equipment allows wheelchair access through the side entrance.
Standing and Wheelchair Positioning
2 Laser Lines
The patient positioning is aligned with 2 laser lines, and with the assistance of intelligent panoramic algorithms, enabling easy positioning and stable image quality.
2 Laser Lines
Technical Specifications



D50 2 in 1 -

D50 3 in 1

Specifications Parameter
Tube Voltage 60~90 KV
Tube Current 4~10 mA
FOV(Diameter*Height) 15*9; 5*5
Focal Spot 0.5mm
Gray Scale 16 bit
Voxel 0.25; 0.2; 0.1; 0.075mm
Total Filtration 2.5mm Al
Scan Position Standing and Wheelchair
Exposure Time ≤15s
Reconstruction Time <45s
Machine Dimension 2 in 1
3 in 1
Recommended installation Space 2 in 1
3 in 1
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